Darkwing Duck was an animated superhero comedy show that ran on the Disney Channel and ABC from 1991-1992. Part of the "Disney Block" of afterschool shows, it followed Duck Tales and was often thought to be a spin-off of that beloved show.
In his secret identity of Drake Mallard, Darkwing Duck lives in an unassuming suburban house with his adopted daughter Gosalyn. He solves crimes with the help of Gosalyn, side-kick Launchpad McQuack, and their friends.
Before getting into our memories and recap, we revisit Raisinets and listen to the commercial for the California Raisins. Megan talks about synchronized swimming, and Steve talks about his love for superheroes, even animated ones.
Did we love the show? Was it cancelled too soon? Listen to find out?
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#DarkwingDuck #Disney #Disney+ #Afterschool #November2023 #90sCartoons #80sand90sKids #throwback #rewatchpodcast #Superheroes #DuckTales #SynchronizedSwimming #Raisinets #Candy #PopCulture #80s90sRewatchPodcast #TheShadow #ComicBooks #Reboot #Chocolate #CaliforniaRaisins #VintageCommercials
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